Sunday, August 24, 2014

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

So I am caught up on books already read. I happened to finish this one late last night. If you want to read along I just started Gone Girl.

Go check out, rent, buy borrow or steal this book right now, (Don't really steal that's bad). You need to stop what you are doing or reading and read this book. It is absolutely phenomenal and is such an incredible story. It is a true World War 2 story so yes it is sad, but this one isn't a holocaust story and doesn't take place in Europe, Yay. It is about Airman and Olympian Louis Zamperini and his struggle to survive as a castaway and prisoner of war in Japan. I don't know if any of you are in my boat but I had never heard much about the fighting in the pacific with Japan other than Pearl Harbor and the Dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Apparently the Japanese were just about as bad as the Germans. While they didn't go after Jews (not a lot of Jews in Asia), they went after non Japanese. So pretty much they wanted to control and kill the rest of Asia focusing on Korea, China and the Philippians, if I understand correctly don't quote me. They also didn't follow the rules for having POWs, they didn't feed them properly, stole Red Cross rations, worked the officers and beat and tortured the prisoners. Also how inadequate our Air force was at first and how dangerous really surprised me. I guess growing up next to an Air force base clouded my judgement. This book is very well written and you learn a lot about the war and other people involved not just Louis Zamperini. Read it now before the movie is released in December. Read it now. Yes you read it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

An Abundance of Katherines John Green

Loved this book it was again more like Paper Towns and less like Looking for Alaska. I thought the idea of a child prodigy who only likes and dates Katherines was intriguing and well thought out. The journey of finding out about all his Katherines' and His new journey to move on past them was a playful tale full of humor and self discovery of both Colin and his Friend Hassam. I would suggest this to anyone who loved Paper Towns or John Green and is OK with a male narrator. Two thumbs up.

The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood

So to be honest I didn't finish this book. I had if for 5 weeks and didn't even get half way done and I decided to not waste my time and move on. I might try it again some other day but not now. This book was really hard to follow it jumps through time and is a book within a book. Just as you get drawn into one story it ends and the other starts and you get drawn into in to have it change back. While an intriguing idea I had a hard time getting interested in either story because you would need to remember what was happening last time you read about this character. It also reads like a personal narrative with not a lot of rise in a plot it sits stagnate at the bottoms. If you happen to be a fan of Atwood then by all means read it but I would suggest spending your time reading instead of convincing yourself you need to keep reading like I did.

Looking For Alaska John Green

So I loved Fault is our Stars and Paper Towns (both read before the list). So I added this to my list. While a good book I did not like it as much as Fault in Our Stars or Paper Towns. It was again like tfios a tragic tale but like paper towns a coming of age tale. I felt like the combination was not quite right. It was still a great tale but half the time I was thinking get over it and move on. Unlike the kids in tfios or paper towns these kids were smart but did really dumb things just because they could. I felt like it wasn't the most inspiring tale but did teach you that you can never truly know a person no matter how well you think you do. One and a half thumbs up.

The Color Purple Alice Walker

So this happens to be one of my favorite movies. Whenever I need a good cry I watch The Color Purple. My favorite line is Oprah's "You tolds Harpos to beat me" speech. The book was also very moving though I didn't cry. Once you get around the speech, it is her journal. It is a moving read on the harshness dealt to African Americans after slavery both by the Whites and people of there own race. The part I find most heart wrenching is when Sophia is jailed and then forced to work for the mayors wife. They say she can visit for Christmas but she is there hardly 10 minutes before the mayor's wife makes her leave because she can't get the car to work right. It is a wonderful commentary on the harshness of life and the human spirits way of persevering. Warning it is very graphic and much was edited so the movie would not be R. For those faint of heart or looking for something a little cleaner but still uplifting try the movie or another book.

Everybody Sees the Ants A.S. King

This book was an interesting coming of age book that deals with the issue of bullying. Bullying is a big problem that often gets overlooked or goes undetected because the victims are to afraid to speak up fearing more punishment. The "hero" of this story is a 15 year old named Lucky. He is constantly bullied by the same kid, but no one will do anything because the kids father threatens to sue everyone and everything. You can see where this kid gets his mean streak. His mom removes him from the bully by taking them to visit his Aunt in Arizona for a few weeks, Lucky is schooled by his Uncle and in his dreams his Grandfather who went missing in Vietnam. I bet you can figure how it ends. It is an entreating story with some mystery and lots of lessons to learn. Two thumbs up especially good if you need to learn to stand up to a bully at any stage of life.

If I Stay Gayle Forman

So this one is now of movie which is being released today. I did not read it because of this I just got lucky that it got read near the first. It was a horribly sad book but was also very moving. I loved the perspective of the book as well as all the flash backs so you got to know everyone and see how this tragedy affected them. The movie looks like it will remain close to the story of the book which I loved. This one also happens to have a sequel but again I'll read it later when my library actually has a copy without a hundred holds on it. I hope you enjoy this one it is a very worthwhile and quick read.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Life as We Know It Susan Beth Pfeffer

First off loved this book got really hard to put down. This book is a apocalyptic tale about a girl her family and there struggle to survive as the world is appearing to end. An asteroid hits the moon and knocks it closer to the earth messing up just about everything. It is really interesting because it is written as a diary of the main character. You see from her eyes the lengths her and her family have to go to survive and how extreme situations can make people do unbearable things or bring out the best in people. Lets just say I hope this doesn't happen in real life. This is a series but I have not bothered to try and locate any others, maybe later.

Book Number One Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

So I actually started reading the list about a month ago so here is catch up on the ones I have already read.

I had trouble getting through this book, not going to lie. While it was an interesting story is was complicated and hard to follow. For being so short it took forever to read. The basic story line for those who don't know is about a Utopian society with no problems and no morals. They genetically make the population to what they want and create a class system before the children are even born. People unwilling to follow the system or who are born naturally live in reservations as uncivilized. It was written a long time ago so the writing is interesting and the science is a little faulty. It was ok but won't be reading it again.

Reading List (including authors)

Here Is My Reading List

11/22/63                                                         Stephen King
1984                                                               George Orwell
20 Something 20 Everything….                       Christine Hassler 
A Beautiful Dark                                              Jocelyn Davies
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena                 Anthony Marra
A Great and Terrible Beauty                            Libba Bray
A Heart Breaking Work of Staggering Genius                                                         Dave Eggers      
A Home at the End of the World                      Michele Cunningham
A Night to Remember                                      Walter Lord
A Ring of Endless Light                                    Madeleine L’engle
A Separate Peace                                            John Knowles
A Thousand Splendid Suns                              Khaled Hosseini
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn                               Betty Smith
A Visit from the Goon Squad `                        Jennifer Egan
Across the Universe                                         Beth Revis
Actual Air                                                        David Berman
Alien Vs. Predator                                           Michael Robbins
All the Kings Men                                            Robert Penn Warren
American Born Chinese                                   Luen Yang and Lark Pien
An Abundance of Katherines                           John Green
An American Tragedy                                     Theodore Dreiser
And The Mountains Echoed                            Khaled Hosseini
Animal Farm                                                   George Orwell
Anna Karenina                                                Leo Tolstoy
Arise                                                               Tara Hudson
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe                                          Benjamin Saenz
Ashes Ashes                                                    Jo Treggiari
Ashfall                                                             Mike Mullin
Athletic Shorts                                                 Chris Crutcher
Atonement                                                       Ian McEwan
Beastly                                                            Alex Funn 
Beautiful Creatures                                           Kammi Garcia and Margaret Stone
Before I Fall                                                     Lauren Oliver
Behind the Beautiful Flowers                            Katherine Boo
Beloved                                                           Toni Morrison
Beneath a Meth Moon                                      Jacqueline Woodson
Between a Rock and a Hard Place                   Aron Ralsotn
Between Shades of Grey                                  Ruta Sepetys
Birthmarked                                                     Caragh M. O’Brien
Blood and Chocolate                                        Annette Curtis Klause
Blood Magic                                                    Tessa Gratton
Bootcamp                                                        Todd Strasser
Bossy Pants                                                     Tina Fey
Boy 21                                                             Matthew Quick
Brave New World                                            Aldous Huxley
Bright Lights Big City                                        Jay McInerney
Call Me By Your Name                                    Andre Aciman
Catch 22                                                           Joseph Heller
Catcher in the Rye                                             JD Salinger
Cats Cradle                                                       Kurt Vonnegut
Cinder                                                               Marissa Meyer
Clockwork Orange                                            Anthony Burgess
Code Name Verity                                             Elizabeth Wein
Confessions of a Shopaholic                               Sophie Kinsella
Crank                                                                 Ellen Hopkins
Dairy Queen                                                       Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Dante Club                                                         Matthew Pearl 
Dark Life                                                            Kat Falls
Dark Places                                                        Gillian Flynn
Daughter of Smoke and Bone                              Laini Taylor
Daughter of the Lioness/trickster                          Tamora Pierce
Daughters of the North                                        Sarah Hall 
David Coppperfield                                             Charles Dickens
Deadline                                                              Chris Crutcher
Dear Diary                                                           Lesley Arfin
Delirium                                                               Lauren Oliver
Devilish                                                               Maureen Johnson
Distant View on Minaret and Other Stories           Alfa  Rifaat
Dodger                                                                Terry Pratchett
Dune                                                                    Frank Herbert
East of Eden                                                         John Stienbeck
Elliot Allagash                                                       Simon Rich  
Enders Game                                                        Orson Scott Card
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues                                Tom Robbins
Everneath                                                             Brodi Ashton
Everybody Sees the Ants                                      A.S. King
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close                    Jonathan Safran Foer
Fahrenheit 451                                                      Ray Bradbury
Fast Food Nation                                                  Eric Schlosser
Fated                                                                     Alyson Noel
Fathers and Sons                                                    Ivan Turgenev
Feed                                                                       M.T. Anderson 
First Love                                                               James Patterson and Emily Raymond
First Part Last                                                         Angela Johnson
Fish Change Direction in Cold Weather                   Pierre Szalowski
Flight                                                                       Sherman Alexie
For Whom the Bell Tolls                                          Ernest Hemmingway
Found                                                                     Margaret Peterson Haddix
Fracture                                                                  Megan Miranda
Freakanomics                                                         Steven D. Levitt and Stephan J. DuBrer
Friday Night Lights                                                  H.G. Bissinger
Garden of Eden                                                       Ernest Hemmingway
Generation X                                                           Douglas Coupland
Ghost in the Wires                                                    Kevin Mitnick
Go Big or Go Home                                                 Will Hobbs
Gone Girl                                                                 Gillian Flynn
Gone With the Wind                                                Margaret Mitchell
Gone                                                                       Michael Grant
Graceling                                                                 Kristin Cashore
Gym Candy                                                             Carl Deuker
Half Brother                                                             Kenneth Oppel
Hard Boiled Wonderland a the End of the World                                                    Haruki Marakami
He’s Just Not That into You                                     Grey Behrenat, Liz Tuccillio
Heart of Darkness                                                    Joseph Conrad
Hex Hall                                                                   Rachel Hawins
Hiroshima                                                                John Hersey
His Dark Material                                                    Phillip Pullman
Horns                                                                       Joe Hill
Hourglass                                                                Myra McEntire
Housekeeping                                                         Marilynne Robinson
How to be a Woman                                               Caitlin Moran
How to Cook Everything                                        Mark Bittman
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People               Toby Young
Howls Moving Castel                                              Diane Wayne Jones
I am Legend                                                           Richard Matheson
I am Number 4                                                       Pittacus Lore
I am the Messenger                                                Mark Zusak
I Capture the Castel                                                Dodie Smith
I Don’t Care About Your Band                              Julie Klavsier
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings                        Maya Angelou
I’m With the Band                                                 Pamela Des Barres
If I Stay                                                                 Gayle Forman
Imperial Life in the Emerald City                            Rajiv Chandrasekaran
In Cold Blood                                                       Truman Capote
Incarceron                                                            Catherine Fisher
Infinite Jest                                                            David Foster Wallace
Into Thin Air                                                          Jon Krakauer
Is Everyone Hanging out with Me                           Mindy Kaling
Island of the Blue Dolphins                                    Scott O’Dell
It’s Kind of a Funny Story                                     Med Vizzini
Jane Erye                                                              Charlotte Bronte
Jellicoe Road                                                         Melina Marcreetta
Jip His Story                                                          Katherine Patterson
John Adams                                                           David Mccullough
Julie of the Wolfs                                                   Jean Craighead George
Just Kids                                                               Patti Smith
Just Listen                                                             Sarah Dessen
Kaffir Boy                                                             Mark Mathabane
Kitchen Confidential                                               Anthony Bordain
Kite Runner                                                            Khaled Hosseini
Knights of the Hill County                                      Tim Thapp
La Seduction: How the French Play the Game of Life                                              Elaine Sciolino
Legend                                                                   Marie Lu
Les Miserables                                                      Victor Hugo                                                                   
Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls                           David Sedaris
Letter to Young Contrarian                                     Christopher Hitchens
Life as We Know It                                                Susan Beth Pfeffer
Lit                                                                           Mary Karr
Little Women                                                          Louisa May Alcott
Looking for Alaska                                                 John Green
Love and Leftovers                                                 Sarah Tregay
Love Water Memory                                              Jennie Shortridge
Lovely Bones                                                         Alice Sebold
Lucy                                                                      Jamaica Kincaid
Lunar Park                                                             Brent Easton Ellis
Main Street                                                            Sinclair Lewis
Matched                                                                Ally Condie
Maus                                                                     Art Spieglman
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl                              Jesse Andrews
Me Talk Pretty One Day                                       David Sedaris
Middlemarch                                                         George Eliot
Midnighters                                                           Scott Westerfeild
Miss Peregrine’s School for Peculiar Children                                                               Ransom Riggs   
Moby Dick                                                           Herman Melville
Monster                                                                Walter Dean Myers
My Life Nextdoor                                                 Huntley Fitzpatrick
My Misspent Youth                                              Meghan Daum
My Sisters Keeper                                               Jodi Picoult
Mystery and Manners                                           Flannery O’Conner
Never Fall Down                                                  Patrick McCormick
Never Let Me Go                                                 Kazou Ishiguro
Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist                            Rachel Cohen and David Levithan
Nineteen Minutes                                                  Jodi Picoult
No Future without Forgiveness                              Desmond Tutu
No Ordinary Time                                                 Doris Kears Goodwin
November Blooms                                                Sharon M. Draper
Obsidian                                                               Jennifer L. Armentrout
Oliver Twist                                                          Charles Dickens
On the glory of it All                                              Sean Wilsey
On the Road                                                          Jack Kerovac
One Hundred Years of Solitude                             Gabriel Garcia Marquez
One Thousand Gifts                                               Ann Voskamp
Outliers: The Story of Success                                Malcom Gladwell
Partials                                                                   Dan Wells
Pastoralia                                                               George Saunders
Peak                                                                      Roland Smith
Perks of Being a Wallflower                                   Stephan Chbosky
Persepolis                                                              Marjane Satrapi 
Poetry 180                                                             Billy Collins
Promised                                                                Caragh M. O’Brien
Quicksand                                                              Nella Larsen 
Ready Player One                                                  Ernest Cline
Rebecca                                                                 Daphne Du Marrier
Reconstruction Amelia                                            Kimberly McCreight
Replay                                                                    Ken Grimwood
Revived                                                                  Cat Patrick
Revolutionary Road                                                Richard Yates
Room                                                                     Emma Donoghue
Sabriel                                                                    Garth Nix
Sailing Around the Room                                         Billy Collins
Seductive Delusions                                                Jill Grimes
Seraphina                                                               Rachel Hartman
Serena                                                                   Ron Rash
Sharp Objects                                                       Gillian Flynn
Shattered Souls                                                      Mary Lindsay
Ship Breaker                                                          Paolo Bacigalupi
Shiver                                                                     Maggie Stiefvater
Single: The Art of Being Satisfied Fullfiled and Indpendent                                                   Judy Ford
Slaughter House 5                                                   Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Slouching Toward Bethlehem                                  Joan Didion
Snow Falling on Cedars                                          David Gutterson
Something Wicked this Way Comes                       Ray Bradbury
Son                                                                        Louis Lowery
Song of Solomon                                                    Toni Morrison
Starcrossed                                                            Josephine Angelini
Stargirl                                                                   Jerry Spinelli
Swimming Antarctica                                              Lynne Cox
Taming of the Shrew                                               William Shakespeare
The Absoultley True Diary of a  Part-time Indian                                                         Sherman Alexie
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay                                                            Michael Chabon
The Art of Racing in the Rain                                  Garth Stein
The Barcode Tattoo                                               Susan Weyn
The Beautiful and Damned                                       F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Beet Fields                                                       Gary Paulsen
The Bell Jar                                                             Sylvia Plath
The Blind Assassin                                                  Margaret Atwood
The Blue Sweater                                                    Jaqueline Novogratz
The Blue Sword                                                      Robert McKinley
The Bluest Eyes                                                      Toni Morrison
The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Woa                                                                 Junot Diaz
The Call of the Wild                                                Jack London
The Cellar                                                               Natasha Preston
The Chocolate Wars                                               Robert Cormier
The Circle of Magic                                                Tamora Pierce 
The City of Embers                                                 Jeanne DuPrau
The Collected Poems of Audre Lord                       Audre Lord
The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch                   Kenneth Koch
The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes               Langston Hughes
The Collected Stories                                              Ernest Hemingway
The Color Purple                                                     Alice Walker
The Complete Poems of Anne Saxton                     Anne Saxton
The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night Time                                                        Mark Haddon
The Deptford Trilogy                                               Roberston Davies
The Devil in the White City                                       Erik Larson
The Disenchantments                                               Mina Lacour
The Diviners                                                            Libba Bray
The Edible Woman                                                  Margaret Atwood
The Elegant Universe                                               Brian Greene
The Elements of Style                                              Strunk and White
The Eleventh Plauge                                                Jeff Hirsch
The Emperor’s Children                                          Claire Messud
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles                            Patrica C. Wrede
The Fifth Wave                                                       Rick Yancey
The Fortress of Solitude                                          Jonathan Lethem
The Geography of Bliss                                           Eric Weiner
The Girls Dressed in White                                     Jennifer Close
The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing                    Mellisa Bank
The Glass Castle                                                    Jeanette Walls
The Group                                                             Mary McCarthy
The Hero and the Crown                                       Robin McKinley
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy                      Douglas Adams
The Hobbit                                                           J.R.R. Tolkin
The House of Scorpion                                         Nancy Farmer
The House on Mango Street                                 Sarah Cisreros
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks                    Rebecca Skloot
The Immortals                                                      Tamora Pierce
The Joy Luck Club                                               Amy Tan
The Keep                                                             Jennifer Egan
The Knife of Never Letting Go                              Patrick Ness
The Last Unicorn                                                  Peter S. Beagle
The Lone Ranger and Toto Fistfight in Heaven                                                             Sherman Alexie
The Lord of the Flies                                           William Golding
The Lord of the Rings                                          J.R.R. Tolkin 
The Lullaby                                                         Sarah Dessen
The Miseducation of Cameron Post                     Emily M. Danforth
The Monuments Men                                          Robert M. Edsel
The Most of Nora Ephron                                   Nora Ephron
The Moviegoer                                                    Walker Percy
The Naked Ape                                                   Desmond Morris
The Namesake                                                    Jhumpa Lahiri
The New and Collect Poems V.1                    Mary Oliver
The Omnivore Dillema: A Natural History of Four Meals                                             Michael Pollan
The Pact: A love story                                        Jodi Picoult
The Paris Wife                                                   Paula Mclain
The Phantom Tollbooth                                     Norton Juster
The Picture of Dorian Grey                                Oscar Wilde
The Plot Against America                                  Phillip Roth
The Poisonwood Bible                                       Barbara Kingsolver
The Portable Dorothy Parker                             Dorothy Parker
The Princess Bride                                             William Goldman
The Queen of Kentucky                                     Alecia Whitaker
The Rachel Papers                                              Martin Amis
The Raven Boys                                                 Maggie Stiefvater
The Road of Lost Innocence                              Somaly Mam
The Rum Diary                                                  Hunters Thompson
The Scorpio Races                                            Maggie Stiefvater
The Secret History                                             Donna Tartt
The Spectacular Now                                        Tim Tharp
The Splendor Falls                                             Rosemary Clement-Moore
The Sun Also Rises                                            Ernest Hemmingway
The Train                                                           Geroges Simenon
The Truth about Forever                                     Sarah Dessen
The Unbearable Book Club for Unsinkable Girls                                                  Julie Schumacher
The Unbearable Lightness of Being                    Milan Kundera
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer                         Michelle Hodkin
The Wettest Country in the World                     Matt Bondurant
The Wizard of Oz                                              L. Frank Baum
There is No Dog                                               Meg Roscoff
Things I Have to Tell You                                  Betsy Franco
Thirteen Reasons                                               Jay Asher
Tiger Lilly                                                          Jodi Lynn Anderson
Tipping Point                                                     Malcom Gladwell
To Kill a Mockingbird                                       Harper Lee
Traveling Mercies                                             Anne Lomott
Treasure Island                                                  Robert Louis Stevenson
True Confessions of a Heartless Girl                  Martha Brooks
Tuck Everlasting                                               Natalie Babbit
Tuesdays with Morrie                                       Mitch Alborn
Twisted                                                            Laurie Halse Anderson
Tyrell                                                               Coe Booth
Uglies Series                                                    Scott Westerfield
Unaccustomed Earth                                        Jhumpa Lahiri
Unbroken: A WWII Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption                          Laura Hillenbrand
Uncle Tom’s Cabin                                           Harriet Beecher Stowe
Under the Blood Red Sky                                 Graham Salisbury
Unearthly                                                          Cynthia Hand
Unwind                                                             Neil Shusterman
Up in the Old Hotel                                           Joseph Mitchel
Wake                                                                Lisa McMann
Walking with the Poor                                       Bryant Meyers
War Women and the News                              Catherine Gourley
What I Did Wrong                                           Liz Pryor
What I Know Now: Letters to my Younger Self                                                                Ellyn Spragins
What is What                                                   Dave Eggers
What She Saw                                                 Lucinda Rosenfeild
Where Things Come Back                               John Corey Whaley
White Cat                                                        Holly Black
White Teeth                                                     Zadie Smith
Wild                                                                Cheryl Strayed

You Hear Me                                                   Betsy Franco 

My Very First Post

Hello World, welcome to my new blog. I've taken upon my self of reading list of 344 titles to complete when I can. I have decided to share my journey with you the world. I will review the books as I read them and things I learn. I'll post the list so if any of you want to follow along or read along you can. Some books are the first in a series so the list is in effect a lot longer. I started this because of Pinterest yes I have a problem. I had pinned tons of book lists but hadn't attempted any of them so I decided to compile a list of my own and it got a little out of hand. I hope you enjoy.