Saturday, August 23, 2014

Everybody Sees the Ants A.S. King

This book was an interesting coming of age book that deals with the issue of bullying. Bullying is a big problem that often gets overlooked or goes undetected because the victims are to afraid to speak up fearing more punishment. The "hero" of this story is a 15 year old named Lucky. He is constantly bullied by the same kid, but no one will do anything because the kids father threatens to sue everyone and everything. You can see where this kid gets his mean streak. His mom removes him from the bully by taking them to visit his Aunt in Arizona for a few weeks, Lucky is schooled by his Uncle and in his dreams his Grandfather who went missing in Vietnam. I bet you can figure how it ends. It is an entreating story with some mystery and lots of lessons to learn. Two thumbs up especially good if you need to learn to stand up to a bully at any stage of life.

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